자선잔여신탁(CRT)의 장점 - Advantages of Charitable Remainder Trusts (CRTs)
What do Bill Gates and Melinda Gates, Warren Buffett, and filmmaker George Lucas have in common?
리빙 트러스트의 중요성: 마이클 잭슨의 부동산 계획에서 얻은 교훈 - The Importance of Living Trusts: Lessons from Michael Jackson’s Estate Planning
Despite Michael Jackson's sudden passing, his estate was distributed smoothly without any inheritance disputes, thanks to his thorough estate planning and asset management through trusts.
트러스트를 만들었습니다. 따로 업데이트해야 하나요? - Do I Need to Update My Trust After Creating It?
Yes, absolutely. Life is filled with both expected and unexpected changes, and it's crucial to ensure that your estate plan continues to reflect your current situation
리보커블 트러스트가 무엇인가요? - What Is a Revocable Trust?
A revocable living trust is a valuable financial tool that helps couples plan for the future and organize their finances and assets during their marriage.
스페셜 니즈 트러스트가 무엇인가? - What Is a Special Needs Trust?
A Special Needs Trust is a type of trust designed for individuals with disabilities or special needs.
부모가 자녀가 아닌 손자녀에게 자산을 물려줄 수 있는 세대 건너뛰기 신탁(GST)의 유형은 무엇입니까? - What Are the Types of Generation-Skipping Trusts (GST) That Allow Parents to Transfer Assets to Grandchildren?
In the United States, when parents wish to pass assets to their grandchildren, they can utilize the following types of trusts.
재산 규모에 따른 유언장과 신탁의 필요성 - The Need for Wills and Trusts Based on the Size of Your Estate
Many people wonder whether a will or a trust is essential for their estate. The answer to this question often depends on the size of the estate
상속 계획 및 신탁의 이해: 주요 차이점 및 이점 - Understanding Estate Planning and Trusts: Key Differences and Benefits
In ensuring a secure financial future and supporting loved ones, many people are often unclear about the crucial distinctions between an estate plan and a trust.
유언장 대 신탁: 유산 상속 계획의 주요 차이점 - Will vs. Trust: Key Differences in Estate Inheritance Planning
Creating an estate plan is an essential process for everyone, especially when considering wills and trusts, which play pivotal roles in asset distribution and inheritance procedures